Campaign Manager - Best Practice Guides
Best Practice Guide - Event Source Configuration and ProcessingFor campaign activity to be considered successful in today’s marketing world, the communication must not only be both relevant and timely, but also, where possible be attributable to an outbound communication. Key features of the Campaign Manager application include the use of events to drive recipients to the next phase of the interaction from either the timing or the channel perspective and the ability to trace the contact and attribute any response to that contact. This document focuses on how Campaign Manager functionality meets the requirements of today’s marketer. Complexity of Engagement and Customer Journeys will inherently require complexity in the Campaign Management tool itself to give marketers the power and flexibility they need. The aim of this document is to bridge the gap between business requirements, campaign requirements and the application UI to provide some insight into the use of Events. In many scenarios, assumptions about limitation or usage of events have meant that users have created complex, intra-day data updates instead of using Events. Event processing can achieve the same results as complex intra-day updates, but in a less complex way.
![]() A Campaign Event is an action on which activity is triggered. For example, an action from a campaign recipient, or an action supplied by business processes. Any input to the system that has a required outcome might be considered an Event. A key question is, how quickly should that event be reacted to? In the retail vertical, for example, a product purchase is a significant event, and the action may trigger a customer going to the next stage in a Customer Journey. The transaction data itself is likely to come into Campaign Manager as part of the nightly load process. Triggers reacting to that data, such as sending further incentives or a stage transition, might very well be sent in the following days of a purchase and this is perfectly acceptable. For the retail market, a drop basket event is significant in a different way. This is a missed sale opportunity that may want to be reacted to intra-day. This is a very different scenario and in this case, the event needs to come into the system in the sort of timeframes that allows us to trigger an interaction with the Customer while their actions are still fresh in the minds. Campaign Manager provides tools to perform both of these operations, but in very different ways. Choosing the right method is key. ![]() An Event Source is a definition of an Event that the system is looking for to generate those events internally for triggering. For example:
Once the event is received, a trigger is the action taken in Campaign Manager or Campaign Designer to execute for individuals when an Event from a particular Event Source is detected.
![]() An Event can be defined in three different ways, depending on the source of the event. Email Manager EventWhen using a Send a Message tactic in Campaign Manager or an Email element in Campaign Designer, the system automatically creates the ability to select an Event to trigger on. This is done as follows: In Campaign ManagerClicking on the Trigger section on the track
In Campaign DesignerA more limited set of options are available for this release, click the Email Event element.
API/File based EventsThese are events coming into the system via file or API, they are defined using the Import Events tool in Campaign Manager. Once configured, they are added to the appropriate position in the campaign or saved as a template for use in Campaign Designer. The screen shot below shows how the Import Event node can be saved as a template.
For more information see the ‘Business Case’ section or online help. When In Segment EventsThese events are specific to Campaign Manager, they query a table and produce an event based on table data.
![]() Events are added on the Events tab available in:
Global Campaign Events – An Event that might drive an action regardless of the recipient’s position in the campaign. For example, if a Customer makes a second purchase, they are removed from a new Customer incentive campaign.
The Event Source itself is simply a definition of what the Event is, for example “Email Open”, “Called a Call Centre”, “Purchased a product” etc. Once the Event is in place, you can define what will happen if that Event occurs - this is a Trigger. Triggers can be defined on a Track, or Globally. The following screen shot shows the two locations Triggers can be set. When you click the Triggers tab, a display shows the possible Events for that Trigger, including the one in the previous example.
Once the Event to be Triggered has been selected, the action for the Trigger is defined, and the recipient moves to a new Track.
![]() Every execution of a contact in Campaign Manager has a unique identifier associated with it. This is the HistoryId and exists as a stored piece of data on the Contacts table and Response table in a column called HistoryId. The HistoryId data is a concatenation of an internally generated unique identifier for the execution of a Tactic, with the recipient’s unique identifier as defined in the Campaign Key. Every contact will capture a HistoryId against it in the Contacts table to allow tracking and attribution of all communications and responses. For example, on a weekly newsletter campaign the same Tactic/Creative will have a different Id each week. For example, the first event Tactic Output would have an Id of 100 so, for a recipient with Id 123, the HistoryId for the first contact to that recipient would be: 100_123.
Outputting the Creative Instance Key with a Tactic OutputAs described above, the Creative Instance key is unique identifier for every Tactic Output. It can be output in the exported data by selecting it on the Fields tab of the Tactic Output from the Campaign Attributes menu. The screen shot below shows this on a File tactic Output. For Email Manager tactics, the Creative Instance Key is automatically uploaded to Email Manager.
Importing Events that carry the Creative Instance KeyTo attribute Events coming into the system to a specific outbound contact requires the inbound Event to carry the Creative Instance Key and Recipient Identifier. This is so the unique HistoryId can be created for that event on the Responses table, which links back to the Contacts table automatically for attribution. For Email Manager Events this process occurs automatically, but for other types of Tactic Outputs and the subsequent Events they may create, this must be configured for the inbound event feed. Events processing using the Import Events node for file or API events, allows the definition of the columns of data containing the Recipient Identifier (key column) and the Creative Instance key. If both pieces of information are provided, and mapped in the configuration, the event processing will automatically concatenate these two elements and populate the HistoryId data on the final Responses table. The link will be recreated and hence the event can be directly attributed to an outbound communication. The screen shot below shows for the inbound event, that column 1 contains the Recipient Identifier (Campaign Key) and column 3 of the inbound event contains the value for Creative Instance Key, as output in the File Tactic in the previous section.
![]() Every Email Manager ‘Send a Message’ creative has a “hidden” Event Source associated with it. Hidden means that this Event Source or its properties and attributes cannot be interacted with. The processing of these events is automated and no polling configuration is required. ![]() By default, Event Sources are polled every 180 seconds. This interval can be adjusted using the Polling Setting on the Attributes tab. The source of the Event data can vary, but falls into two categories. The type of data carrying the Event drives the choice of tool used as an Event Source. When in SegmentUsed to run a query against the Data Warehouse. For example, querying the transaction table for a product purchase. If the Data Warehouse is loaded nightly, there is little value in having this polling at a high frequency as the data will not change. Therefore, it is likely that a long polling period is appropriate for this tool.
Import EventsThis tool is used to process a data file from an external source, for example a file from a Call Center. Recipients have responded to a campaign by calling the Call Center, and that system outputs a list of those recipients on a regular basis throughout the day to be processed by the Campaign Manager system. This type of Event Source is more likely to need a shorter Polling time depending on how often a new data feed is available. If, as in the earlier example, a new file is created every hour from the Call Center, that will govern the Polling time for the Event Source. API EventsAn API Event is an Event from an external source that is pushed into the system using a piece of API code. These will be preconfigured and will require some professional Services or Development work to integrate the two systems. API Events are the only part of the system that is a push, and as such has no polling. ![]() It is important to understand the use of Events in conjunction with Tracks to avoid over aggressive Polling. The process of Events entering the system can be complex, which allows the system to handle various scenarios. Possibly the most complex is the background process of Event Chaining. When an Event fires a Trigger, it is going to be at its most effective if all recipients are as far through the campaign as they can be before it fires. As we know, the Tracks already have Polling and so the Track poll would move someone to a Track with that frequency. A worst-case scenario is that recipient may not be in the right Track when the Event comes in due to long period Track Polling. The first thing that Event processing does if ‘Do Immediately’, is to execute the Tracks to move everyone as far through the Track as they can go. It then processes the Event Triggers for the Track and proceeds to the next Track from left to right. This is based on the assumption that campaigns tend to be structured so audience members move from left to right as they progress through the engagement cycle.
The batch of events may include more than one Event for each recipient (e.g. Email Opened, Link Click) so to ensure that every Track has an opportunity to trigger off its particular Event, the whole batch of Events is allowed to trigger for the participants of each Track in turn. What actually happens when an Event Source is found?
![]() Previous sections of this document have focused on the Tools and processes involved when using events, now we will look at how to set up a specific example to show how this is actually achieved.
![]() The drop basket is a key event for online retail sites. Dropped baskets for unknown users are less accessible but if dropped basket events for known users can be captured via Web Analytics, they can be contacted to re-engage with the products they dropped. Although specific to dropped basket in this scenario, the basic premise of an event with arguments and those argument values become part of the follow up communication, the use of this scenario could be much wider. ![]() I wish to contact known users who drop a basket on the same day as the event occurs. I want to offer them an incentive on up to two of the most expensive items in their basket, so we can give them relevant and timely incentives and improve their customer experience. ![]() We should make some assumptions at this point to set perspectives on what the Campaign Manager Event Sources expect and how they will be processed. Events are being supplied in a file feed:
![]() As mentioned in the Key Concept, the creation of this scenario involves linking Event parameters to variable values. This needs advanced planning, and thought must be given to re-using variables where possible. ![]() The following table shows the variables that are set up on the system to support this scenario. They are all Global Variables, so they can be re-used in other campaigns if required.
![]() For this scenario, the Import Events tool is used within the campaign. This tool is configured to process dropped basket events as a Global Event.
This table shows the Parameters that are set up on the system to support this scenario:
Parameters are associated with variables. When the event is processed, the value in the event is immediately assigned to the nominated variables so it can be used in the trigger response that is the email response. The Import Events node is configured to process an event as a CSV file, as follows:
For example: 13,”Dropped Basket”, 16/02/2015, MP3 Player, Headphones
The email creative can now use the variables to populate the text in the email creative.
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